Twitter4Canvas Workshop

Please start by reading through the Getting Started page, and then you are ready to go. If you are already proficient with both Twitter and Canvas, you will probably only need Steps 5-7.

Get Started with Canvas:
Step 1: Create a new Canvas course space.
Step 2. Tweak your Canvas course space.

Get Started with Twitter:
Step 3: Create a class Twitter account.
Step 4. Use links, images, and videos in Twitter.

Create a Twitter Account Widget:
Step 5. Create a Twitter widget for your account.
Step 6. Put Twitter widget in Canvas File.
Step 7. Add Twitter widget to Canvas Page.
Step 8. Use Canvas table layout.

Create More Twitter Widgets:
Step 9. Learn about Twitter hashtags and lists..
Step 10. Create a Twitter hashtag or list widget.

If you have questions or run into problems, contact me @OnlineCrsLady or by email:

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